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A Shocking Display of Social Distancing!

Like me, you have probably said the same thing to your friends when finishing a conversation lately, "Let's go for a drink when this thing is over!". Our favourite patios have begun to open up, but we are still unable to lean against the bar, grab a beer and catch up.

In the U.K., local pubs began to re open July 1st, but with strict rules about staff contact and social distancing the pub landlord at The Star Inn in Cornwall U.K. is making sure that all the rules are followed to the installing an electric fence!

Jonny McFadden is taking no chances. The fence line and blatant warning signs were installed around the bar to keep thirsty customers apart, staff at a safe distance and reduce the time pub goers hover around the bar.

Mr. McFadden's strategy and plan was well thought out as you can see here.

Well played Mr. McFadden...well played. Perhaps Labatts could create a special run for a Canadian beer cross promotion for The Star Inn............

How about "Blue Light-ning"? Ok...I know...I'm cut off.


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