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A Six Pack From A K-9

The owners of Six Harbors Brewing Company found a great way to get their product to its thirsty customers during the age of social distancing.

Putting a new spin on the St.Bernards that used to rescue stranded mountaineers with a cask of whisky around their necks as they have employed their two golden retrievers to bring their product to customers front doors and rescue them from having a beer-free fridge.

Barley and Buddy have become the newest celebrities of Huntington, New York as they deliver smiles along with brews right to the residents doors while keeping everyone safe in the age of lockdown.

These "good boys" even have signature brews named after them too.

Mark and Karen Heuwetter came up with the "Brew Dogs" delivery service as a cheery way to get their product and keep them going through these difficult times.

Karen has stated,

"You really kind of can't get close to people other than your own family members. The dogs kind of bring more of a connections for them." 

Dogs, beer and smiles sounds like a great combo during all this weirdness.

Kind of makes my out-of-work dog look a bit like a free loader. Maybe I could try at least to train him to bring me one from the fridge. You can see more about Barley and Buddy here.


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