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Against the Odds, Quebec Man Amazingly Finds The Right Skate!

There is nothing worse than that feeling of losing something. Especially if it's part of a set or even more so, a pair. If you are like me, I resist the urge to throw out the mis-matched item in the desperate hope that I will stumble upon the that missing object to complete the set. This happened to Jeff Meldrum when he was doing that annual basement clean out in his home in Chelsea, Quebec.

After his son was injured unexpectedly at the rink, Jeff had to scramble out and jammed his equipment into his bag hastily. In the chaos, his lone right skate was lost. Unable to throw the leftie out because he always thought its pal would turn up, it sat in his basement for years.

Even after many basement purges, Jeff held onto the hope that the practically new skates would be reunited. After seven years, and a July move pending, all hope of reunification was lost, and the size 10d Reebok had to go. Cue the Twilight Zone music......because 10k down the road Élyse Piquette was having the exact same idea.

Ms. Piquette had discovered the skate when walking on the side of the road in Chemin de la Rivière where she lived. Realizing the value of the find, posted ads in the local Lost and Found columns and postings with no takers. After seven years and no inquiries she hung the valuable skate at the end of her driveway off a sign along with the rest of her spring cleaning castaways.

Enter Jeff driving down the road shortly after Élyse's decision and passing the lonely skate at the end of the driveway, the lone survivor of the items...because no one wants only one skate. Jeff joked with his son that it could be the skate, and after a bit of prompting, turned the car around to check it out. The result? Bingo, a perfect match. Again, cue the Twilight Zone music. Don't believe it? Check it out and watch this!

Fate? Kismet? Karma? How did the skate get on the side of the road? Who knows? An incredible story of right place and right time and a skate that found it's way back to its owner despite the odds. A true Canadian believe it or not!

O.K....all together now...doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo....(that's my best Twilight Zone theme impression.. admit it, you were doing it too).

*Pictures copyright of Stu Mills


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