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Canada, You Decided On Youngblood! But The Debate On Greatest Hockey Movie Faces Off!

We asked and you answered!

Youngblood: Hat-trick or Gong Show?

Hat-trick 87%

Gong Show 13%

The Lowe-Swayze-Reeves epic on ice has a special place in hockey cinematic fandom!

An important answer to an important question. But, like all controversy it opened up a new Pandora's box of debate! What was the better hockey movie of all time? Here are the suggestions from all those who weighed in on this heated topic!

Slap Shot-1977

I hang my head in reverence for this amazing hockey opus. The Paul Newman classic is the 'heart trophy' against which all hockey fans measure every sports movie. There should be a plaque in the Hockey Hall Of Fame honouring the term "putting on the foil" for fighting. Also, because it's perhaps the cleanest of the quotable lines from Slap Shot!.

The Deadliest Season-1977

It looks like 77 was the year for hockey Hollywood with this made-for-TV movie. Michael Moriarty and Merryl Streep appear in this hard look into hockey fights and sports violence. And yes..thats Slap Shot's "Dr. Hook", Paul D'Amato, doing double duty on the ice this year, getting the bad end of a stick from Moriarty!

Mystery Alaska-1999

This hockey dramedy is a fun and heartwarming 2 hours about a local pond hockey team getting a chance to play the New York Rangers. Russell Crowe and Burt Reynolds bookend the excellent cast and that brings a lot of heart to the movie and ice! A real sleeper that totally deserves a look if you haven't seen it

Sudden Death-1995

This is definitely one that surprised me from the debate. Honestly...this movie getting suggested for any best list is a surprise! JCVD takes on terrorists at game seven of the Stanley Cup Finals. Jean Claude is the only man to save The POTUS in this John Maclane-on-ice actioner!

There you have it! Here are the suggestions Canada from the Youngblood poll. It was a Miracle that some movies weren't even considered!

Share your rankings or your best vote. The ability to award the crown is yours!


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