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Frontline Heroes Are Keeping It In The Family!

At the McGill University Health Centre two important team members are helping to deal with the Covid-19 crisis; Dr. Jacques Genest is a cardiologist and coronary intensive-care unit specialist and Dr. Geneviève Genest is an allergist and immunologist trained in reproductive immunology. As well as being part of the important frontline team at the hospital, they are also father and daughter!

Geneviève has stated that her father has been a role model to her and it has been great to be able to work together. In turn Dr. Jacques said, “She is an exceedingly competent physician and it was a real privilege to work with her — and a real pleasure.” Both have felt it has been great teamwork!

He has been introducing them as "Genest & Genest — a father-daughter team.”

Medicine seems to be the family business as Geneviève

is a medical researcher, her husband is a neonatologist and her sister is a pharmacist, Her grandmother had a PhD in biology and her grandfather, was a clinician and researcher who founded the Institut des Recherches Cliniques de Montréal!

This has been a great opportunity for the Dr. Geneviève and Dr. Jacques to work side by side, and see each other in action, but most importantly, Dr. Jacques has stated, “if I have to give an accolade, it’s to the nursing staff, they are there 24/7.”

We are all thankful to all our front line workers and grateful for the daily sacrifices they have made during these world changing and challenging times.


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