If your birthday is this week: Big things are happening this week! Slow down. Take a good look around you and take in all the sights and sounds that make this week one that brings comfort and joy. Don't panic about what is or isn't done. Instead take a deep breath and feel wonder for everything that makes this week as special as it is.
Other fellow Celly friends sharing your birthday this week:
Kiefer Sutherland, Stephen Gogolev, Finn Wolfhard, Corey Haim, Estella Warren, Sass Jordan, Steve Smith, and Alannah Myles.
Don't tackle heavy stuff and don't be lured by the people who are just sinkers on your cheer. Keep your bliss afloat and you won't have to exaggerate about the size of the happiness that you reel in.
There is a zing in your step this week and an amazing feeling of zeal for what lies in the days ahead. Blaze out an example for others with your sizeable amount of joy!
Now more than ever, this is the time to enjoy all the pop, fizz and bubbles life pours out for you. The care and love people have for you this week is overflowing!
Life can be a cold and bumpy place sometimes, especially after the year we have had. Look behind you and realize all the people on your squad that had, and will always have your back!
Yes there are a great deal of expenditures made this week for all the people around you. Your big payout will be in smiles and gratitude for all the great things you do for others!
The best points you will score this week will be the ones one you put up for your fellow players. The best Celly of the year is when you those make amazing kind moves for your teammates.
Curious to find out what all these mystic signs mean and say about you? Visit our Great Canadian Horoscopes primer here!