If your birthday is this week: If something doesn't seem to be working for you, it's time to shut down the machine for a while and take out all the parts and carefully give them a tune-up! Breaking things down part by part, and piece by piece slowly, meticulously and with care, will help get things working again harmoniously!
Other fellow and Zeddy friends sharing your birthday this week:
Deborah Cox, David Wilcox, Donald Sutherland, Bryan Trottier, Lamar Johnson and Andrea Libman!
Chart all voyages with fine detail this week. Plotting for rough waters and unexpected undertows will ensure there will be no surprises or unneeded delays, and guide you to calm waters.
Huge tasks that seem hard to realize will be successfully achieved this week. Focus and commitment will be all you need to zip through the task and zoom to the finish line.
You are thinking about cracking an issue that has been brewing for some time. Before you twist the top off, think about using the right opener to clinch frosty results.
Positive energy will give you the momentum to overcome all the icy spots ahead and brush off any obstacles. Decide to sparkle and shine for the ups and downs of the game, and you'll win!
There is value in sweat equity and getting things done right. Spend the extra time, even though you are not on the clock, and it will lead to rewards and satisfaction beyond dollars.
You are heading into a period of change, and new and exciting goals lie ahead. Wait for things to shift in your direction and new opportunities will put you on a power play to great things!
Curious to find out what all these mystic signs mean and say about you? Visit our Great Canadian Horoscopes primer here!