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Great Canadian Horoscopes - Week of November 2nd!

If your birthday is this week: The frost is beginning to show up every morning and start the day with a cold edge. You need to shake off that icy bite and create your own heat to rule the week. Of course it's easy to bundle up and stay warm, but getting out and getting things going will get your temperature rising in the right direction.

Other fellow Celly friends sharing your birthday this week:

K.d. Lang, Katharine Isabelle , Steven Ogg, Bryan Adams, Alexz Johnson, Fred Penner, Bill Henderson, Joni Mitchell, Kaniehtiio Horn and Melyssa Ford


The air is getting colder but that doesn't mean the waters are freezing up yet. Even when things seem to be cold, that just means you have to try harder for the things that get you fired up!


Life is amazing! Zip into things this week with a zeal like no other and see what a difference that enthusiasm makes! Adding pizzaz to everything you do will bring the sizzle!


Make sure your pour this week is more substance than foam. What looks like a full glass might just be filler and leave you feeling that you didn't get the good stuff that you definitely deserve!


You will need some extra strength this week to move those rocks down the ice! Find that energy in a places you didn't know you had and tap into your determination to win to end up on top!


Nows the time to examine your holdings and assess all the things you have. Take a look at what things are working for you and make you happy, and the others that are just taking up space.


Being the Captain of your team can take a lot out of you and wear you down. Don't be afraid to lean on your Assistants to take off some of the heat. That's why they are there!

Curious to find out what all these mystic signs mean and say about you? Visit our Great Canadian Horoscopes primer here!


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