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Great Canadian Horoscopes - Week of October 12th!

If your birthday is this week: This is the best week to be grateful for all that you have in your life! Reach out to people and let them know they matter! Especially the ones you haven't contacted in a while. We have all this technology to connect! Let use it to let people know they matter!

Other fellow Stoney friends sharing your birthday this week:

David Kaye, Suzie McNeil , Paul Kariya, Norm Macdonald, Rick Mercer and Sarah Blackwood.


The waters are beginning to get calmer and the warm spots are getting few and far between. This doesn't mean that you find a spot and hibernate! Move into new spawning waters fro better results!


Sometimes the world just feels like a zoo with the animals in charge. Bulldoze though the insanity and get a buzz from equalizing crazy with kindness!


This week is the week to cover the rounds for everyone! Payback all the times everyone has payed your tab and made sure you had all you needed before last call.


Solid as a rock! Thats what you are! Your whole crew knows you are going to bring it every time! Take charge of the moment and everyone will follow your winning lead!


Sometimes the most valuable assets anyone can acquire are in plain sight. Take a moment to do some accounting of the joy and fortune already in your inventory, and realize your wealth!


Getting the win is fantastic, but not at the expense of your players and all your fans. Sometimes the person who pays the most for winning at all costs is you!

Curious to find out what all these mystic signs mean and say about you? Visit our Great Canadian Horoscopes primer here!


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