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Great Canadian Horoscopes - Week of October 19th!

If your birthday is this week: A fall cleanup is in order and it will do wonders for you in a few ways. It can free you of all the clutter and free yourself of all those things just taking up space mentally and physically! Second, it will help you discover forgotten treasures that will make you happy! Free yourself of all the things you don't need, and reconnect with some fun finds that do!

Other fellow Stoney friends sharing your birthday this week:

Jason Reitman, Julie Payette , Charlotte Sullivan, Jeannie Chan, Ryan Reynolds, Drake,Ed Robertson, Wendel Clark, Heather Rankin and Shenae Grimes.


Don't get lured in by things that may look attractive on the surface. They may look attractive and easy now, but know in the end if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!


You need to zone out for a bit and enjoy some stargazing. You will find that gazing off beyond the horizon will harmonize your thoughts and help reorganize your priorities.


This week use your common sense to make your own last call. Use your personal self control board to know when to say when, and know to call it at the time that suits you and not others!


Sweeping away problems big or small is just going to lead to disaster at the other end. Smoothing away rough paths an inch at a time and bit by bit, will find you sliding into success!


Currency comes in many different forms. You need to determine which kinds of capital can benefit your happiness and then figure out how to earn all you can!


You can't win every face-off! The skill is knowing which ones are important plays and which ones you can afford to lose. You will get farther down the ice when you can realize the difference!

Curious to find out what all these mystic signs mean and say about you? Visit our Great Canadian Horoscopes primer here!


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