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Great Canadian Horoscopes - Week of September 14th!


If your birthday is this week: Temperatures are changing, and that is not a bad thing. Know when it's time to change gears and move into the next stage. Sure, it's ok to want to hold on to the warmth, but look forward to all that new winds and seasons can bring.

Other fellow Stoney friends sharing your birthday this week:

Lynne Griffin(Strange Brew!!), Adam Cohen , Darryl Sittler, Renee Young, Sylvia Tyson, Adrian Cann, Guy Lafleur and Daniel Lanois.


Your urge to swim upstream needs to be indulged!! Nothing great happens without resistance. When you fight to reach your destination, success will be your reward!


It feels like right now life is zapping you at all angles. Analyze your approach and attack your issues with crazy energy. You will be amazed at what you can do!


Sometimes you have to get through all the foam to get to the good stuff. It's just an airy obstacle to get through to reach the fantastic, delicious gold waiting for you in your mug.


Your strategy is paying off and all your shots are beginning to line up for a big score. Keep your team focused and on target and the win will be yours!


Sometimes we all feel like we are a day late and a dollar short. Practice gratitude to take stock of all the good things in your pocket and realize how full the ledger actually is.


There are times when holding on to the puck can be harder than it looks and you need to raise your game. Look to the players that you admire for tips and direction to help your skills soar.

Curious to find out what all these mystic signs mean and say about you? Visit our Great Canadian Horoscopes primer here!


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