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Innovation That Canada Needs To Adopt...Now!

During these challenging times, we have seen new ideas and clever ways businesses have adapted to the new contactless Covid-19 world. The Forest Road Brewing Co. has taken this to the next level. Fellow Canadians...the future is now!

The good people at The Forest RoadBrewing Co. have created a "Tactical Beer Response Unit" !

This Valhalla on wheels,

fills pint glasses for customers out of taps on the side of the van. This is truly the curbside local watering hole/pub experience.

I know in Canada we have some restrictions on alcohol and how it's distributed, but I think in this new era of curb side pick up and deliveries, our politicians could really get behind is for safety sake after all.

I'm just hoping that this would operate like an adult ice cream truck and have a tune that would play to let know they were in the neighbourhood!

The Canuck version would play this tune by Canadian Polka King and Legend Walter Ostanek to get all the adults on the street to run behind with cash in hand!

In a perfect world I guess. In the meantime, before you write your heartfelt letter to your local M.P. you can find all about this more goodness as well I encourage you to learn more about the King of the Canadian Polka Walter Ostanek.


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