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Laurent Duvernay-Tardif: A Football Star and Great Canadian Hero!

This pandemic has been a real game changer for everyone. We have all been making it a priority to do the right things, whether its washing our hands every chance we get, or wearing a mask wherever we go in the goal to help keep people safe.

Canadian NFL star Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, has decided to take the idea of giving his all right to the end zone. He has decided to opt out of the 2020 NFL season with The Kansas City Cheifs and continue to work on the medical frontline at a long-term care facility in Quebec as a patient attendant.

Laurent Duvernay-Tardifis from Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Que., has a medical degree from McGill University. When the Covid crisis hit he began working at the long-term care facility less the three months after earning his Super Bowl ring.

“Being at the front line during this off season has given me a different perspective on this pandemic and the stress it puts on individuals and our healthcare system,” he stated “I cannot allow myself to potentially transmit the virus in our communities simply to play the sport that I love.”

An incredible individual that is putting himself selflessly out there to help his community get ahead of these tough times. Check out the full story.

His fellow teammates and coach Andy Reid are behind Duvernay-Tardif's choice to continue in his important work and have complete faith in him. Coach Reid said,

"We know ... when the football is over, he is going to be one of the best doctors ever."

On the field or off no one deserves more cheers from Canadians than Laurent Duvernay-Tardif!


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