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Pandemic Make You Want To Scream? Iceland Says Go For It! They Have You Covered!

Over the last three months, everyone has definitely had it. With the daily news, all the new rules, social distancing, remembering your mask, the "bubble" and deciding which hand sanitizer smells the best.... it's enough to make anyone want to blow. The good news is Iceland says have at it! Right now!!

Iceland has set up a website for you to record your screams and unleash all that pent up angst on the beautiful Icelandic countryside to help you cope. They just ask you to visit Iceland one day in person in exchange for their hospitality.

Go to the Let It Out! website to get the scream therapy you so rightfully need, as well as some handy tips on how to attain the best scream to do the job! Check out this handy video to get you going on the path to wellness!

Your scream will bellow across such locations as Viðey in Reykjavík, Festarfjall by Grindavík, Skógarfoss, close to Djúpivogur, at the foot of Snæfellsjökull, by Kálfshamarsvík and by Rauðasandur in the Westfjords. Whew! I want scream from just trying to type that....those umlauts are insane!!! If you create a scream you will get a video of it unleashed in all its glory in the remote area of Iceland it graces. Thanks Iceland, we owe you one!


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