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Please Sir, we ALL want some Moore!

Not sure if you've been following this story from the UK? The one about the 99 year old WWII veteran who raised close to 30 Million Pounds (~ $51m CAD) for the National Health Service!! His name is Captain Tom Moore.

In essence, this incredible gentleman decided he would try and raise 1 Thousand Pounds by walking 100 laps of his home before he turned 100 years old. Not only did he complete every single lap, but thanks to people all over the world he clearly DECIMATED his fundraising target.

Much is planned to commemorate Captain Moore's Birthday including the postmark above and a fly past by the RAF. But nothing can surely top the number of birthday cards sent by well wishers, which, as of yesterday, had reached more than 125 Thousand, some of which are pictured here at Captain Tom's grandson's school.

So from all of us here at GCCB HQ, and on behalf of our whole community, we want to wish Captain Moore a very Happy 100th Birthday and thank him for a lifetime of service. The entire world could do with a few more people like Captain Moore!


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