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Take a Break and Support Canadian Comic Artists with Great Free Download!

Unfortunately during all this pandemic weirdness, things that really help promote new talent are cancelled and sometimes go unnoticed. The Toronto Comic Arts Festival was created to celebrate and showcase great cartooning from Canada and all around the world. At the festival, visitors would typically be able to wander around the exhibits and sample and discover work from all the great artists and creatives from around the world.

Unfortunately, the pandemic has put the brakes on physically visiting this event, but the good people at The Toronto Comic Arts Festival have created the TCAF 2020 Digital Showcase! You can download a free sample of 400 pages from 100 different creators for free, and get a real look at some great new and independent talent.

This is a great opportunity to discover some great new talent, and find a new favourite title to follow and new artist to support . The collection is free, just add a zero to the payment window, but it would be fantastic to offer something to support new artists and help TCAF's ongoing fundraising efforts.


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