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Two Ps in a Great Canadian Pod(cast): Hot Plate

As the GCCB continues to show it's support for industries and organizations impacted by the pandemic, this week we turn our attention to the food and brewing industries. For many provinces, patio dining and drinking is now available to us as a way to support local eateries and bars so if you're looking for some inspiration about where to begin, look no further!

Described on their own website as uncovering "surprising discoveries and insights into food and drink. Our contemporary food culture critics, Mirella and Joshna, help you build a stronger relationship with what you eat.

Craft beer and Sensory expert Mirella Amato and Chef-activist Joshna Maharaj turn over current trends, news, controversies, tastes, and tactics of the food and beverage world.

This sizzling round-table debate is a venue for expert voices from around the world, who sometimes bring us interesting things to try."

The GCCB's Deputy Content Curator particularly enjoyed SE2E06 - The Marmite Comeback, but then she is a lover not a hater!

Where to find Hot Plate: Available on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts.

Let us know what you think of our weekly recommendations or, if you're new to podcasting, what your favorite episode is that you've listened to so far! Now, pour a cup and launch that episode....


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