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Two Ps in a Great Canadian Pod(cast): Stop Podcasting Yourself

We've been supporting Canadian musicians a lot recently on The GCCB. But, of course, there are other entertainment professionals who are also in need of support while live entertainment remains out of the question for us all.

So to shine our light a little wider, this week's recommendation features two Vancouver based comedians, Graham Clark and Dave Shumka who co-host their weekly podcast featuring other 'hilarious' (their word but we'll let you be the judge of that!) comedians.

Discussion covers a broad range of topics and they even convene a Bradley Cooper Movie Club too (we'll let you be a judge of that too!).

Where to find Stop Podcasting Yourself: Available on iTunes, Google Play, Pocketcasts or Overcasts.

Let us know what you think of our weekly recommendations or, if you're new to podcasting, what your favorite episode is that you've listened to so far! Now, pour a cup and launch that episode....


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