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Where's GCCB? Coffee over Corona Diaries by Alaine Johnson and Alex Artiach Sounssi

The pandemic may have caused you to re-evaluate how and when you enjoy your coffee. We've certainly come to appreciate it differently here at GCCB HQ. Needless to say, the notion of a coffee break is central to what we are hoping to achieve with this site and the community we are building; taking a pause together from the daily grind to rest and recharge before jumping back into the day!

We've heard from many that taking a deliberate pause is even more important when working from home during the pandemic, otherwise before you know it, it is mid afternoon and you haven't moved from your chair. We've certainly had to be careful of this ourselves.

We've also had to seek out new ways to enjoy coffee and in doing so stumbled upon Neighbourhood Coffee who deliver their delicious blend from coast to coast to coast. If you've discovered a new, independent coffee shop or roaster please let us know! We'd love to do what we can to support them.

Alaine Johnson, a barrista based in South East Asia and Alex Artiach Sounssi in Europe also observed that the pandemic had impacted the way people were enjoying their coffee and launched a fun way of gathering stories of these experiences together. They have created a photographic blog and map to show all the submissions they've received from almost every corner of the globe!

You can see all of the submissions via the map here and make a submission yourself if you'd like to add to this world view. If nothing else, it's fascinating to peruse while you're enjoying your Great Canadian Coffee Break today and if you look hard enough you might even spot GCCB HQ!


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