Hi, I’m Tony. For years I’ve been saying, “If only I could find something useful to do with all this ‘stuff’ in my head!” And finally we have. At least, we certainly hope so!
Welcome to The Great Canadian Coffee Break. Or The GCCB as we like to call it at GCCB HQ. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. We hope you enjoy what you see, that you visit time and time again and that you share what you like with your friends. Because, essentially that’s what we are all about.
Consider us an online, daily, version of one of those great experiences at the water cooler or in the office kitchen where everyone is sharing the fun things they saw, read and listened to over the weekend. Or, for our East Coast friends, you might think of us as an online ceilidh although you don’t have to be screeched in to join us!
Born and raised in Ontario, I have been in love with music, movies and all things Canadian as long as I can remember and enjoy nothing more than sharing that with others. Several years ago, I met and fell in love with a newcomer to Canada and came to realize that although she may not have been born here she is Canadian by choice and that means she and others love what I love almost as much as I do so it’s time I began to share it all far and wide!
Together, we and our blended family invite you to pour yourself a coffee, spend a few minutes enjoying what we’ve shared and if you’d like to join us at the ‘water cooler’, let us know what you think or share any ideas to improve The GCCB we can be found on FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter!
GCCB CEO & Chief Content Curator
Credits: The GCCB Crew would like to thank the super talented Tom Crilley of Visual Communication Source for bringing the visual identity of The Great Canadian Coffee Break to life and the equally talented Jack Baranowski for many of the design elements in our posts. Meet Tom here and Jack here!